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Michael Jackson Calendar

What to expect from the "Man In The Mirror"...



1st - ABC will air a two-hour special at 8:00 PM ET with footage taped at the Oct. 21 "United We Stand: What More Can I Give" concert. The concert itself was eight hours long. John Stamos hosts.
- American radio premiere of "Butterflies"
12th - International release date of HIStory - Greatest Hits Volume 1.
13th - American release date of HIStory - Greatest Hits - Volume 1.
13th - In America CBS is to televise "Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration, The Solo Years" concert special on November from 9:00 to 11:00 PM ET.




3rd - Working date of "Cry" commercial release


JULY 2002


3rd - "Men in Black 2" will be released to theatres. Michael plays a minor role in the movie.